Karen troopers from Myanmar conflict with Burmese army on Thai border

Soldiers from the Karen National Union and People’s Defense Force attacked the Burmese military with mortar guns and grenade launchers in Palu village in Myanmar on the Thai-Burmese border yesterday. A reporter for Nation Thailand mentioned the Burmese military fired back with their very own mortar weapons, and referred to as for backup help from a helicopter dispatched to shoot on the enemy forces. The reporter added that soldiers on either side were killed and injured.
Dollar in Myanmar, and a number of other other minority groups have been combating for larger autonomy since Myanmar gained independence in 1948. In March 2021, following the military coup, the Burmese army launched air strikes on the country’s Kachine State, the place most Karen reside. 20,000 Karen folks have been forced to flee. They hid in caves and jungles with low meals and medicine provide.
Karen folks live largely in Myanmar, though many have fled to refugee camps in Thailand. In Thailand, they often have points getting jobs and enrolling in colleges since lots of them not Thai residents..

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